Josh Kopel | Award Winning Restaurant Consultant

Chef Robert Irvine

Restaurant Consultant: Robert Greene’s Industry Laws

As business owners, we need to take a hard look in the mirror to determine what’s working and what isn’t. Today’s guest, Robert Greene did just that, but, instead of tackling an industry, he chose to tackle the human condition.

5 Day Restaurant Profitability Challenge

Robert is a NYT bestselling author who’s researched the intricacies of power, mastery, war and human nature.

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In reading his work, I walked away with a better understanding of myself, my business, and my customers. In our conversation, Robert shares how he’s internalized the lessons he’s written about to help athletes, executives, and world leaders.

For more information on Robert’s projects, visit

5 Day Restaurant Profitability Challenge


Full Comp is brought to you by Yelp for Restaurants: In July 2020, a few hundred employees formed Yelp for Restaurants. Our goal is to build tools that help restaurateurs do more with limited time.

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Also Read  Restaurant Business: Mark Echeverria's Century Survival Guide

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